
The API provides services to retrieve the collection of endpoints with paging, filtering, and sorting options. It also provides services for single endpoint retrieval and CRUD operations via POST, PATCH, and DELETE actions.

Below is a sample endpoint in JSON representation. Apart from the endpoint-specific data, it contains the following embedded objects:

  • service_profile
  • tariff_profile
  • sim
  • runtime_data
  "id": 1,
  "name": "arduino01",
  "tags": "arduino, meter, temp",
  "created": "2014-08-01T08:47:00+00:00",
  "last_updated": "2016-03-02T15:25:34.000+0000",
  "status": {
    "id": 0,
    "description": "Enabled"
  "service_profile": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Smart Meter"
  "tariff_profile": {
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Domestic only"
  "sim": {
    "id": 788,
    "iccid": "7368267364738977362",
    "iccid_with_luhn": "73682673647389773621",
    "eid": "89049011803455664400046832584675",
    "imsi": "901991234567890",
    "msisdn": "88563748761",
    "status": {
      "id": 1,
      "description": "Activated"
  "runtime_data": {
    "msc": "491790802121",
    "sgsn": "491752345678",
    "sgsn_ip_address": ""
  "imei": "864345678889321",
  "ip_address": "",
  "ip_address_space": {
    "id": 2,
    "ip_address_space": "",
    "ip_address_version": 4
  "imei_lock": true

Endpoint Object

The endpoint object has the following properties:

Name Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier of this endpoint
name String Name of endpoint
tags String | null Any tags assigned to this endpoint with each value separated by a comma (e.g., "arduino, meter, temp")
created Timestamp Date/time when this endpoint was created
Type: ISO 8601 timestamp format
last_updated Timestamp Date/time when this endpoint was last updated
Type: ISO 8601 timestamp format
status Object Information about the endpoint status (see Endpoint Status Object)
service_profile Object | null Details about the assigned service profile (see Service Profile Object)
tariff_profile Object | null Details about the assigned tariff profile (see Tariff Profile Object)
sim Object | null Information about the SIM card used by the endpoint (see SIM Object)
runtime_data Object Information about the runtime data for this endpoint (see Runtime Data Object)
imei String | null International mobile equipment identity
ip_address String Configured IP address
ip_address_space Object Information about the assigned IP address space (see IP Address Space Object)
imei_lock Boolean Whether or not the endpoint is locked to the current IMEI

Endpoint Status Object

Property Type Description
id Integer Status ID for this endpoint
description String Description of the endpoint status

Endpoint Statuses

ID Description
0 Enabled
1 Disabled
2 Deleted

Service Profile Object

This data is embedded from a subset of the Service Profile.

Property Type Description
id Number Unique identifier of the assigned service profile
name String Name of the service profile

Tariff Profile Object

This data is embedded from a subset of the Tariff Profile.

Property Type Description
id Number Unique identifier of the assigned tariff profile
name String Name of the tariff profile

SIM Object

This data is embedded from a subset of the SIM.

Property Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier of this SIM
iccid String Integrated circuit card identifier without the final Luhn checksum digit
iccid_with_luhn String Integrated circuit card identifier including the final Luhn checksum digit
eid String Unique global serial number for an eUICC if applicable
imsi String | null Currently active IMSI number of this SIM
msisdn String | null MSISDN number assigned to this SIM
status Object Information about the SIM status (see SIM Status Object)

Runtime Data Object

Property Type Description
msc String Global title of the MSC connected to this endpoint
sgsn String Global title of the serving GPRS support node (SGSN)
sgsn_ip_address String IP of the SGSN currently serving this endpoint

IP Address Space Object

Property Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier of the assigned IP address space
ip_address_space String Subnet of the IP address space
ip_address_version Integer IP version for this address space (e.g., 4 or 6)